学术论文 (#为共同一作;*为通讯作者): 1. Li H#, Wu Y#, Bai Z#, Xu X, Su D, Chen J, He R, Sun J*. The Association Between Family Health and Frailty With the Mediation Role of Health Literacy and Health Behavior Among Older Adults in China: Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 杏鑫注册 Jun 27;9:e44486.(SCI/SSCI, IF=8.5) 2. Jiangyun Chen; Li Gan; Yusupujiang·Tuersun; Man Xiong; Chichen Zhang; Li H*. Social participation: Strategy to manage depression in disabled populations. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 杏鑫注册 Sep 12:1-17.(SSCI, IF=5.1) 3. Lv H, Li H*. Association between Exposure to Domestic Violence during Childhood and Depressive Symptoms in Middle and Older Age: A Longitudinal Analysis in China. Behavioral Sciences. 杏鑫注册; 13(4):311.(SSCI, IF=2.6) 4. Chang J, Gao H, Su D, Li H*, Chen Y*. Is there a change in the appropriateness of admission after patients were admitted? Evidence from four county hospitals in rural China. Frontiers in Public Health. 杏鑫注册 May 25;11:1106499.(SCI/SSCI, IF=5.2) 5. Li H*, Jiangyun Chen, Dai Su, Xiwu Xu, Ruibo He. Is co-occurrence of frailty and multimorbidity associated with increased risk of catastrophic health expenditure? A prospective cohort analysis in China. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. 杏鑫注册 Mar 8;16:357-368. (SCI/SSCI, IF=3.5) 6. Li J, Wu D, Li H* and Chen J. Unmet healthcare needs predict frailty onset in the middle-aged and older population in China: A prospective cohort analysis. Frontiers in Public Health. 杏鑫注册 Feb 6. (SCI/SSCI, IF=5.2) 7. Sun J, Kong X, Li H*, Chen J, Yao Q, Li H, Zhou F, Hu H. Does social participation decrease the risk of frailty? Impacts of diversity in frequency and types of social participation on frailty in middle-aged and older populations. BMC Geriatrics. 2022 Jul 2;22(1):553. (SCI/SSCI, IF=4.1) 8. Li H#, Yixin Zeng#, Li Gan, Yusupujiang·Tuersun, Jiao Yang, Jing Liu, Jiangyun Chen*. Urban-rural disparities in the healthy ageing trajectory in China: a population-based study. BMC Public Health. 2022 Jul 23;22(1):1406. (SCI, IF=4.5) 9. Li H#, Gan L#, Xu DR*, Chen J*. Long-Term Impact of Grandchild Caregiving Trajectories on Depression in Middle-Aged and Older Chinese People: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Aging and Human Development. 2022 Mar 4:914150221084644.(SSCI, IF=2.0) 10. Chen J#, Zeng Y#, He W, Yang J, Xu D*, Li H*. How Healthy Aging and Contact With Children Are Associated With Satisfaction in Middle-Aged and Older Parents in China: A Mediation Analysis. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 Mar 14;10:836558.(SCI/SSCI, IF=5.2) 11. Shen F#, Chen J#, Yang R, Yang J*, Li H*. Association between control status of blood pressure and frailty among middle-aged and older adults with hypertension in China: a longitudinal study. BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 14;12(3):e056395. (SCI, IF=2.9) 12. Cai J#, Li H#, Zhang C#, Chen Z#, Liu H, Lei F, Qin JJ, Liu YM, Zhou F, Song X, Zhou J, Zhao YC, Wu B, He M, Yang H, Zhu L, Zhang P, Ji YX, Zhao GN, Lu Z, Liu L, Mao W, Liao X, Lu H, Wang D, Xia X, Huang X, Wei X, Xia J, Zhang BH, Yuan Y, She ZG, Xu Q, Ma X, Wang Y, Yang J, Zhang X*, Zhang XJ*, Li H*. The Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Determines Clinical Efficacy of Corticosteroid Therapy in Patients with COVID-19. Cell Metabolism. 2021 Feb 2;33(2):258-269.e3. (SCI, IF=29.0) 13. Cheng X#, Liu YM#, Li H#, Zhang X#, Lei F, Qin JJ, Chen Z, Deng KQ, Lin L, Chen MM, Song X, Xia M, Huang X, Liu W, Cai J, Zhang XJ, Zhou F, Zhang P, Wang Y, Ma X, Xu Q, Yang J, Ye P, Mao W, Huang X, Xia J, Zhang BH, Guo J, Zhu L, Lu Z, Yuan Y, Wei X, She ZG*, Ji YX*, Li H*. Metformin Is Associated with Higher Incidence of Acidosis, but Not Mortality, in Individuals with COVID-19 and Pre-existing Type 2 Diabetes. Cell Metabolism. 2020 Oct 6;32(4):537-547.e3. (SCI, IF=29.0) 14. Zhou F#, Liu YM#, Xie J#, Li H#, Lei F, Yang H, Qin JJ, Cai J, Zhang XJ, Wu B, Xia M, Xiang D, Yang C, Ma X, Xu Q, Lu Z, Lu H, Xia X, Wang D, Liao X, Peng G, Yang J, Huang X, Zhang BH, Yuan Y, Wei X, Liu PP, Wang Y, Zhang P, She ZG, Xia J, Li H*. Comparative Impacts of ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) Inhibitors Versus Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers on the Risk of COVID-19 Mortality. Hypertension. 2020 Aug;76(2):e15-e17. (SCI, IF=8.3) 15. Li H, Cheng B, Chen YC*. What causes high costs for rural tuberculosis inpatients? Evidence from five counties in China. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020 Jul 11;20(1):501. (SCI, IF=3.7) 16. Li H, Chen YC*, Gao HX, Zhang Y, Chen L, Chang JJ, Su D, Lei SH, Jiang D, Hu XM. Effectiveness evaluation of quota payment for specific diseases under global budget: a typical provider payment system reform in rural China. BMC Health Services Research. 2018 Aug 13;18(1):635. (SCI, IF=2.8) 17. Li H, Chen YC*, Gao HX, Zhang Y, Su D, Chang JJ, Jiang D, Hu XM, Lei SH. Changes in inpatients' distribution and benefits under institution level-based quota payment for specific diseases in rural China: An interrupted time-series analysis. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2019 Jan;34(1):e436-e446. (SSCI, IF=2.7) 18. 李浩淼, 吴一波, 孙菊, 姚强. 家庭健康与慢性病控制:健康素养、健康行为与基层服务信任度的中介作用[J].人口与发展, 杏鑫注册,29(05):145-160.(CSSCI) 19. 孙菊,王静茹,李浩淼*. 健康老龄化:内涵辨析、测量方式与中国趋势[J]. 中国卫生政策研究,杏鑫注册,16(5):47-55.(CSCD) 20. 李浩淼, 孙菊, 姚强, 吴一波*.家庭健康:概念、测度与中国现状[J].中国卫生政策研究,2022,15(4):1-7.(CSCD) 21. 李浩淼, 陈迎春, 张研*, 高红霞. 基于回应性的健康服务供给体系改革探讨[J]. 中国卫生政策研究,2020,13(1):31-37.(CSCD) 22. 杨蓉, 李浩淼*. 照料模式对老年人医疗服务利用的影响[J]. 医学与社会. 2022,35,(06):47-53. 23. 李浩淼, 方鹏骞, 高红霞, 金廷君, 施利群, 苏岱, 常静肼, 陈迎春*. 福建省三明市城乡医保整合模式探索[J]. 中国卫生经济,2017,36(11):16-19. 24. 李浩淼, 陈迎春, 张翔, 冯占春, 高红霞, 王静, 张治国, 熊巨洋, 李萍*. 湖北省两县乡村两级医疗机构门诊处方质量分析[J]. 中华医院管理杂志,2017,33(5):384-388. 25. 李浩淼, 高红霞, 施利群, 刘露华, 张慧, 苏岱, 常静肼, 陈迎春*. 职业化视域下在岗乡村医生养老保障解决思路探析[J]. 中国卫生事业管理,2018,35(1):50-53. 26. 李浩淼, 陈迎春, 施利群, 刘露华, 苏岱, 常静肼, 张慧, 高红霞*. 乡村医生土地、身份与职业化关系探讨[J]. 中国社会医学杂志,2019,36(2):172-174. 27. 李春玲, 陈江芸, 李浩淼*. 中国农村中老年人群脆弱性变化趋势及风险因素研究[J]. 卫生软科学,2022,36(1):20-25. 28. 陈江芸, 李浩淼. 有效应对农村中老年群体脆弱性. 中国人口报(理论版) 2022-4-28.
学术专著 国家卫生健康委员会“十四五”规划教材《卫生管理学》,人民卫生出版社,杏鑫注册(秘书) 《从医疗保险迈向健康保险》[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2021(编委) 《肺结核筹资和医保支付改革理论与实践》[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2020(编委) 《中国医疗卫生事业发展报告2016(卫生改革与发展绿皮书)》[M].北京:人民出版社,2018(参编)
课题研究 主持项目: 教育部“春晖计划”合作项目:基于社会生态学理论的农村老年人衰弱风险多源解构与协同治理研究(在研) 国家卫健委卫生技术评估重点实验室杏鑫注册~杏鑫注册年度开放基金:“两包”激励下的紧密型医共体医防融合服务效果评估(在研) 武汉大学本科教育质量建设综合改革项目:学习共同体视角下公共事业管理专业青年教师教学能力发展机制与提升路径研究(在研) 武汉大学自主科研项目:新形势下的居民健康服务利用模式与优化研究(结题) |